Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yesterday I was running late to get to my first class... surprise, surprise.

...and by late I mean a full 15 minutes late, because 5 minutes late to class often counts as early at la Católica...

But anyway, I was flustered and nervous because it was a class I'd never been to before and only decided to go at the last minute when I realized it would fulfill two UW requirements for me. After a combi stuck in traffic and not being able to find the building I needed on the map, I finally got where I was going. I had to make the most awkward entrance which involved walking in front of the professor and ducking under a computer cord. ¡Imagínate!

I was full of vergüenza ("roche" en Perú) for being that gringa, but sat down and was handed a syllabus. After gracelessly shuffling around in my backpack and getting poised with my notebook ready to absorb everything about Economía Política Internacional, I looked up at the powerpoint only to realize I was in a 3 hour long seminar about administration and gestation.
De repente, I was really that gringa.

Considering the trecherous path between my desk and the door, I just gave up and basked in my shame for nearly 2 hours before getting up enough courage to leave during the bathroom break. Then, having missed the class I was supposed to go to, I grabbed some cookies at the comedor and took a nap in the grass.

My life here truly is wonderful.

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