Sunday, February 28, 2010

Statement of Purpose

On Feb 27 I left the Midwest for Lima, Perú. I am already so jazzed about how wonderfully overwhelming this trip will be. There is so much learning to do!

I decided to open a blog for myself. I want to have some record of how my understandings of what's going on around me might change over time. My plan is to just post brief personal thoughts and questions I have as they come up. This will hopefully also save time when there are things I want to share with all the fantastic people in my life but don't want to spend ages on the internet contacting each of them.

I will hopefully throw in the occasional photograph, but there probably won't ever be a lot of details or analysis. I simply think it would take too much time to even begin to do this beautiful place (that I know very little about) any kind of justice. That being said, if you do have the dedication to visit such a self
-serving blog every once in a while, you are probably my Mammy or someone else I love very much. So... I want to thank you and let you know that I'm having an absolute blast so far. I hope you enjoy what I get to share.

1 comment:

  1. Your mammy loves this blog. Write frequently and prolifically!
